Ryan and I are very excited to announce that we are expecting our first baby!! After three pregnancy test, it was confirmed that I have a precious little bun in the oven! I am 12 1/2 weeks (gotta count that half :) with a due date of Feb. 26, 2009! Ryan and I could not be more excited for our baby on the way!
And can I add, after many many weeks of my insane tiredness and horrible nausea, Ryan is officially the best husband ever! Ryan has taken care of me completely, including cooking, cleaning and everything I haven't been so great at lately. There were days I'd really feel bad for not being a good wife and Ryan would always say, "You just worry about taking care of our baby, let me take care of everything else!" He has been a wonderful husband and I have no doubt he will be an amazing dad! (Love you babe!)
Oh goodness, Ryan loves to be a comedian in serious pictures!
Very excited parents to be!